New Year Overwhelm

New Year Blues

So, we are nearing the end of one year and approaching the start of another. Some people feel excited at the prospect of a new year and love to plan their trips away, events and social catch-ups well in advance. But others feel a sense of dread, wondering how they will get through another 12 months and what nasty surprises lie in wait. It’s really all about your mindset and how you choose to view the concept of time.

We can choose to look at the year as a huge 12 months looming ahead, or we can break the year down into segments of time. Life tends to feel more manageable when we don’t look too far ahead and focus on the present and immediate future. So, you might decide to just focus on the summer - how do you want to make the most of the warmer weather? What summer events are on? Then as February rolls around, think about the Autumn and how you want to spend that time. You will have heard of ‘being in the present moment’ and why that is important. One reason is that it allows us to really feel and experience everything around us rather than rushing through life onto the next thing. Once a moment of time passes, it is gone forever! But we don’t often pause long enough to really think about that. Slowing down and just experiencing works wonders for our nervous system and allowing us to really notice the positives.

Another reason that people feel so ‘meh’ at the start of the new year, is that the celebrations are over and life can feel hum-drum. So, it’s important to connect with others, find fun things to do, look at activities that bring you joy, pleasure and excitement. Trying to maintain a healthy routine throughout the year can also help with the transition of one year to the next, so try to keep moving, get enough sleep, eat nourishing food while allowing yourself treats.

Rather than thinking of one year ending and another one beginning, think of it as just another day to fully embrace and enjoy.

Clare Calvert

Clinical Psychologist offering in-person and online therapy to adults across New Zealand.

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